Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sales operators........!!!

Quite fascinating to see the very interesting use of titles ,but one tends to think that fancier the title the job just may not be the most sought after . for example "CSO" (Chief Sales Officer) , CRO (Chief Revenue Officers),SSO (Strategic Sales Officer) ...Ahem, and the good old "Bussiness Development" Sales Managers etc.....
All of these guys do one thing Sell , Up sell, cross sell etc...

So What Drives them?
Do they love doing what they do..?
Is it the most sought after job..? ...especially if there were no incentives.. YES, NO Mebbe .

But there is no denying the fact that these are the most important people in the organization. They are the basic reason the rest of the guys get paid for month on month.

So now how does organizations get the best out of them..? what are the Tools used ? Incentives , Targets, Monitoring systems...etc...They all basically scream one thing "Show me the money"

Inspite of best HR practices, what is it that is used most. is ...FEAR..

a very simple unsaid, Underlying message which very subtley says is “if you dont achieve -No Incentive" if you still don’t achieve- Demotion" last but not the least....Pink slip..
In between all of these, there are Offsites , Parties , feel good team building exercises etc etc...And yes motivational Training sessions. Basically all sorts of people sermonizing how to sell, peddling some “Tips & tricks”, or inspirational stories .

More often from people who have never ever sold anything to anyone ever in life.
What sells, what does not, what to say, more importantly what not to say. It all boils down to lead generations, cold calls, follow ups and rapport building. And a sales man who manages to sell ICE to an eskimo is not a good sales man , he is more of a con man. Since an unsatisfied customer is more detrimental to the bussiness .

What also matters is the product packaging , USP and in the online space its "how easy it is to use" Most products especially online can be put into 2 baskets "Need to have" & "Nice to have ".

There is a very fine line between the two, the challenge therefore is the right go to market strategy, centered around , creating a need , generating curiosity, encouraging participation, collecting feedback and building enough flexibility within organizations to quickly imbibe and package the product accordingly.

One cannot do with out the other, each done separately will yield very low returns. Impacting scalability and sustanance .

More later.....

1 comment:

  1. What really motivates the Top mgmt? Good question! Good one! Thought provoking indeed!!
